Find yourself in need of a horse, but no place to stable it? Want to enjoy all the thrills of horse ownership without the considerable elbow grease? In need of a quality mare for a single breeding?
If so, leasing sounds like the option for you!
Lease to Ride

We have many sound, sane, and accomplished horses that can be leased on a monthly basis for riding and showing.
We have horses suitable for beginners just starting out, and horses for riders that are looking for a little more flash in their horse. Leasing is a great way to enjoy riding without the financial commitment of owning a horse yourself. Our monthly fee of
$175 grants you thrice weekly rides with use of our facilities.
If you're itching to get off the farm, there are also miles of trails a stone's throw from our property and there are many horse-approved trail areas within a short driving distance. If you want to go on a long trail ride, ask us when we are next going and we'll be happy to bring you along!
If you want to add some ribbons to your trophy case, we have seasoned show horses available as well. There are several show series near by, which we usually attend ourselves and can bring you and the horse you've leased along.
We also offer
one instructional ride per week for free as an added bonus. If you feel the need to brush up on your skills or wish to pursue an alternate discipline, this is a great value!
We provide both Western and English tack for riders, or you can use your own (provided it fits correctly). All leasers must wear a helmet and cruel tack and treatment of the horse is not allowed.
If we have any reason to suspect mistreatment, your lease will be terminated. We are willing to help educate our clients on correct and safe handling and riding, but will not tolerate mishandling of our animals.
Lease to Breed

Had an eye on one of our mares? We offer on-site
leases that allow you to obtain a foal by the stallion of your choosing! Our mares can be hauled within reason to be live-covered (hauling at expense of lease holder)
or shipped semen can be used. All stud fees, and associated veterinary fees are responsibility of the lease holder. Our fee is
$175 per month from the time the mare is vet-checked in foal until the foal is weaned.
We offer excellent pre-natal and post-natal care, making sure you get a healthy foal that is free of mishandling. Most of our mares are available for this option, double-check our
Breeding page to make sure an in-house breeding is not
currently planned for the mare you wish to lease.
All stallions must be approved by Trinity Appaloosa Farms, we do not wish to cross our mares on those with known temperament or genetic issues.